February Craft and Activity Time for Kids
Lantern is offering these times for your school age kids – foster, kinship, adopted, and bio– to craft and play together with Lantern volunteers.
FKCA Parent Support/Training February
Lantern Support Services is excited to offer time and space for families to meet and share questions, frustrations, ideas, needs, desires—and to learn from each other. In addition, each meeting will focus on a specific topic that will count toward the required annual face-to-face training hours for licensed foster and kinship homes. Mental Health Therapist Sky Adams, LMHCA, will facilitate the discussions.
Simultaneously, we are offering time and space for your kids to craft, play games, be cared for, and make connections with dedicated volunteers.
March Craft and Activity Time for Kids
Lantern is offering these times for your school age kids – foster, kinship, adopted, and bio– to craft and play together with Lantern volunteers.
FKCA Parent Support/Training March
Lantern Support Services is excited to offer time and space for families to meet and share questions, frustrations, ideas, needs, desires—and to learn from each other. In addition, each meeting will focus on a specific topic that will count toward the required annual face-to-face training hours for licensed foster and kinship homes. Mental Health Therapist Sky Adams, LMHCA, will facilitate the discussions.
Simultaneously, we are offering time and space for your kids to craft, play games, be cared for, and make connections with dedicated volunteers.
April Craft and Activity Time for Kids
Lantern is offering these times for your school age kids – foster, kinship, adopted, and bio– to craft and play together with Lantern volunteers.
FKCA Parent Support/Training April
Lantern Support Services is excited to offer time and space for families to meet and share questions, frustrations, ideas, needs, desires—and to learn from each other. In addition, each meeting will focus on a specific topic that will count toward the required annual face-to-face training hours for licensed foster and kinship homes. Mental Health Therapist Sky Adams, LMHCA, will facilitate the discussions.
Simultaneously, we are offering time and space for your kids to craft, play games, be cared for, and make connections with dedicated volunteers.
FKCA Parent Support/Training January
Lantern Support Services is excited to offer time and space for families to meet and share questions, frustrations, ideas, needs, desires—and to learn from each other. In addition, each meeting will focus on a specific topic that will count toward the required annual face-to-face training hours for licensed foster and kinship homes. Mental Health Therapist Sky Adams, LMHCA, will facilitate the discussions.
Simultaneously, we are offering time and space for your kids to craft, play games, be cared for, and make connections with dedicated volunteers.
January Craft and Activity Time for Kids
Lantern is offering these times for your school age kids – foster, kinship, adopted, and bio– to craft and play together with Lantern volunteers.
December Craft and Activity Time for Kids
Lantern is offering these times for your school age kids – foster, kinship, adopted, and bio– to craft and play together with Lantern volunteers.
FKCA Parent Support/Training December
Lantern Support Services is excited to offer time and space for families to meet and share questions, frustrations, ideas, needs, desires—and to learn from each other. In addition, each meeting will focus on a specific topic that will count toward the required annual face-to-face training hours for licensed foster and kinship homes. Mental Health Therapist Sky Adams, LMHCA, will facilitate the discussions.
Simultaneously, we are offering time and space for your kids to craft, play games, be cared for, and make connections with dedicated volunteers.
FKCA Parent Support/Training November
Lantern Support Services is excited to offer time and space for families to meet and share questions, frustrations, ideas, needs, desires—and to learn from each other. In addition, each meeting will focus on a specific topic that will count toward the required annual face-to-face training hours for licensed foster and kinship homes. Mental Health Therapist Sky Adams, LMHCA, will facilitate the discussions.
Simultaneously, we are offering time and space for your kids to craft, play games, be cared for, and make connections with dedicated volunteers.
November Craft and Activity Time for Kids
Lantern is offering these times for your school age kids – foster, kinship, adopted, and bio– to craft and play together with Lantern volunteers.
FKCA Parent Support/Training October
Lantern Support Services is excited to offer time and space for families to meet and share questions, frustrations, ideas, needs, desires—and to learn from each other. In addition, each meeting will focus on a specific topic that will count toward the required annual face-to-face training hours for licensed foster and kinship homes. Mental Health Therapist Sky Adams, LMHCA, will facilitate the discussions.
Simultaneously, we are offering time and space for your kids to craft, play games, be cared for, and make connections with dedicated volunteers.
October Craft and Activity Time for Kids
Lantern is offering these times for your school age kids – foster, kinship, adopted, and bio– to craft and play together with Lantern volunteers.
FKCA Parent Support/Training September
Lantern Support Services is excited to offer time and space for families to meet and share questions, frustrations, ideas, needs, desires—and to learn from each other. In addition, each meeting will focus on a specific topic that will count toward the required annual face-to-face training hours for licensed foster and kinship homes. Mental Health Therapist Sky Adams, LMHCA, will facilitate the discussions.
Simultaneously, we are offering time and space for your kids to craft, play games, be cared for, and make connections with dedicated volunteers.
September Craft and Activity Time for Kids
Lantern is offering these times for your school age kids – foster, kinship, adopted, and bio– to craft and play together with Lantern volunteers.
August Support Group
We invite you to gather with other foster, kinship, collaborative care and adoptive families for fun and support at the big picnic shelter situated near the spray pad, visible from the parking lot off Rogers St.
Each family will be in charge of their own kids, but we will have some Lantern volunteers there who will want to play with them as well!
Kids will want to get wet in the spray pad, so bring suits or clothes they can get wet in, and towels.
We will bring simple snacks and activities. Bring your own water bottles and any activities you’d like to share.
No need to register, just come!
July Support Group
Join us for our monthly support group. Childcare will be provided by our wonderful team of volunteers. For the summer we’ll be meeting at switchyard park. RSVP appreciated but not required.